

Anybody who knows me knows that November is my favorite month of the year. Do not get me wrong, I love October too, but November is the best. I take most of the month off and spend every waking moment outside.

October started with the usual chores to be completed, wood cut, split and stacked both outside and in the cabin basement. Its tough work; but good for all the joints. It took longer this year for a couple of reasons. First off I am no spring chicken anymore, a bit slower. Second, it was full flight time so every two minutes I had to stop and look up and watch the geese flying south. Living on the shores of Arrowhead you spend a lot of time looking up.

November started with being a bit busy, a couple of afternoons out squirrel and thunder chicken hunting, all while scouting for whitetails. The shop got busy with the many folks who are still trapping and I got to put a few out. I love trapping but I love deer hunting more.

The first morning was colder than a well digger’s ass in Omaha, with high winds. My spot I have hunted the first day for 50 years was unbearable to sit in. I moved, saw a couple and went back the next a.m. At 7:40 two fat little doe strolled by and following them was the best buck, weight wise,  I have harvested on the hill. 160 pounds of prime Vermont venison is in the freezer and the near perfect eight point rack is going on the wall. That very afternoon my son Trevor sat on the same stand and harvested a 120 lb. three pointer. Who would have thought that would have happened. Now if I can get Crystal on a good stand my life will be good.

Yesterday my wife went with me and my nephew. The weather man said 30% chance of rain and light winds. Well at around 8:00 the wind was 40 mph and the rain was sideways, then the sun came out and Diane noticed the first deer of the day. Still a good day in the woods.

Being November it’s the month of giving thanks and I always give thanks to those who make my life cool. First my family as they endure a lot every year as life stops , ie smells of trapping season, dirt on the cabin floors, butchering of what we harvest, frequent random naps, you know the routine. To my wife Diane thanks for understanding and I promise to clean the cabin from top to bottom as soon as the season is over. That’s rabbit or ice fishing season.

To all the trappers, Diane and I want to thank you for your patronage, stories, and pictures. Cannot wait until the fur handling starts.

My special thanks go out to Mom and Dad who took time out of their hectic lives to introduce me to the outdoor world of trapping, hunting and fishing. I miss both of you more than anything in the world but I felt your presence every time I was in the woods, especially after harvesting the buck.

Diane and I wish everyone a wonderful Thanksgiving. Happy trapping and hunting!